Germany Camp 2020




We hereby invite learners from the West Coast District to participate in an educational and cultural camp which will be held from 10 – 19 August 2020 in Gernrode, Germany. The goals of the camp are to encourage tolerance between cultures, develop leadership, broaden learners’ vision and expand learners’ feeling of responsibility for the immediate environment to the rest of the world. Learners will also be granted an opportunity to spend a weekend with a German family.

The requirements which applicants must meet, are the following:

– Must be 14 (at time of application) – 17 (at time of departure) years of age

– Must be in grades 8 – 11

– Must reside within the boundaries of the West Coast (proof of address must be submitted)

– Must attend school in the West Coast district

– Both parents should give consent to attending the camp

– Must have demonstrated leadership qualities

– The following documents or proof of application to obtain the following documents must be submitted within two (2) weeks after selection took place: valid passport, unabridged birth certificate, unabridged marriage certificate of parents).

Application forms are obtainable from the office of the West Coast District Municipality, 58 Long Street, Moorreesburg, and on the website of the Municipality at

Completed application forms must reach the office by no later than 03 March 2020, and must be addressed for the attention of the Municipal Manager, West Coast District Municipality, PO Box 242, Moorreesburg, 7310.

The full amount for attendance of the camp is R15 000 and this includes flight and visa costs, a camp fee of 100 euro, accommodation, all meal and travelling costs for the duration of the camp. 50% of the above mentioned amount must be paid by 15 May 2020, while the remaining 50% must be paid by 30 June 2020.


Process of selection: Applicants who meet the criteria must attend a pre – camp at Ganzekraal Holiday Resort (own transport to and from Ganzekraal Holiday Resort). The camp is scheduled to take place 22 – 23 March 2020 and will form the basis on which the selection of the successful candidates will be made.

Enquiries in this regard may be directed to Melonice Blanckenberg at 022 433 8400 / 084 241 2955 during office hours.


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